Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tigers Don't Confess

Tigers Don't Confess
Tigers Don't Confess Cover Page

Tigers Don't Confess is a fact based fiction about the LTTE and Sri Lankan Civil War. The narration is quite simple and it seems like the author has tried to showcase every aspect of life, from politics to love and how it is affected by the conflict. There are some twists and turns in the story but it lacks the captivating element that a thriller should have. The book is quite neutral and does not showcase any one side as the villain, as it is usually, mistakes are of both sides in a conflict.

The author Visakesa Chandrasekaram is one of the few Sri Lankan Writers who write in English. After the end of the civil war in 2009 things have improved in Sri Lanka. I am not sure if the individual events in the book are true . But certainly some of them are if not all.

It is quite disturbing to realize that how easy it is to commit even the most heinous crimes out of hatred or the belief that you are right. And how equally easy it is to expect forgiveness for the same.

War has always brought pain and sorrow to mankind and yet we have not learnt our lessons. While reading about hundreds getting killed in the newspaper looks just a number, reading about one of them in a novel can shake your very conscience. It is here that fact based fictions succeed.

The story also reminds us why it is important to always ensure that the innocent are not punished. It is the oppression of the innocent that leads to war and sustains it.

Tigers Don't Confess Book Review 2/5

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